The Institute of Sociology of the University of Porto was founded in 1989 with the aim of promoting research in this specific area of knowledge, assembling also the heritage of other social sciences.
Articulating its goals and activities with those of the Department of Sociology of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto, the Institute of Sociology is open to the region and the country as a catalyst for debate and scientific innovation.
In 2002, it joined the network of scientific units of the Foundation for Science and Technology of the Ministry of Education and Science, and has experienced, especially since that date, a pathway of growth and qualification that has led to an intense activity, developed on a daily basis by more than forty integrated researchers, several FCT PhD fellows and more than forty collaborator researchers.
Multiple projects have been developed, involving a vast network of partnerships, particularly with public institutions and associations. The area of development and public policies is one of the most cross-cutting aspects that have been worked on.
Focused on fundamental research and on providing socially relevant services, the Institute of Sociology seeks to create an increasingly active involvement with the community, alongside the dissemination of research outcomes, in order to attract new audiences to scientific knowledge, and in particular to the sociological approach to reality.
The Institute of Sociology promotes the development of scientific research based on a culture that encourages group dynamism and participated work. It is led by the Coordinator and the Executive Board of the Unit (which oversee the implementation of the Unit's development strategy). Its scientific policy is defined by the Scientific Board, having heard the opinion of the Researchers Assembly and the External Evaluation and Scientific Advisory Board (formed by researchers outside the Research Unit).