“(…) Researchers and PhD students affiliated to the Institute of Sociology have responsibilities vis-à-vis: society in general; those who fund their research; the institutions which employ them or in which they study; their colleagues and the wider academic community; those who participate in their research; and their own safety and well-being. Reconciling these responsibilities can be difficult and implies ethical and deontological judgement. (…) The IS-UP’s Code of Ethics in Research is concerned with research – funded or unfunded – involving human participants, carried out by IS-UP affiliated researchers or PhD students. It does not relate to other ethical judgements. The Code is adopted in the light of the University of Porto’s broader commitments to intellectual rights, freedom and excellence in research. The procedures established in pursuit of the IS-UP’s Code of Ethics in Research are intended to: facilitate research; promote a culture within the Research Unit in which the researchers consciously reflect on the ethical implications of their research; apply a principle of subsidiarity in which the responsibility for research ethics is embraced by researchers, supervisors or research groups, as close as possible to the actual conduct of the research. (…)”.
Declaration of Principles and Working Regulations of the Ethics Committee of the Institute of Sociology of the University of Porto.