Abstract: The purpose of the external assessment of the National Strategy for the Integration of Roma Communities (ENiCC – Estratégia Nacional de Integração das Comunidades Ciganas) is to determine to what extent the objectives of the ENICC 2018-2022 were in fact achieved by the end of 2022; the lasting changes made, what changes have started to take effect and what problems still need to be addressed; understand the obstacles faced in implementing the measures and identify potential solutions; determine to what extent implementation of the ENiCC helped to empower the Romani people; identify and understand the role of the Local Plans for the Integration of Roma Communities (PLICC – Planos Locais para a Integração das Comunidades Ciganas), of the Programa Escolhas projects, of the Support Fund for the National Strategy for the Integration of Roma Communities (FAPE - Fundo de Apoio à Estratégia Nacional para a Integração das Comunidades Ciganas), of the Roma Associativism Support Programme (PAAC –Programa de Apoio ao Associativismo Cigano), and of the POISE projects in the integration of the Romani people.
To this end, information on discrimination, poverty, social exclusion, gender equality, education and training, the labour market, health, and housing will be gathered, documented and analysed. A survey will be conducted amongst a representative sample of the Roma population in Portugal, as well as interviews and focus groups with Roma mediators, the leaders of associations, project coordinators and technical staff, institutional representatives, and other stakeholders. A final report will subsequently be prepared, which will include a proposal for a new strategy, until 2030, including measures and indicators.
Final beneficiaries/target audience: Roma communities
Timetable: July 2023 - November 2023