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Knowing, Mapping, Including: The Roma/Ciganos Population in Portugal

On going


Synopsis: There are still severe limitations in Portugal in terms of systematic, up-to-date and in-depth knowledge about the circumstances and living conditions experienced by Roma/Ciganos in Portugal. This poses a challenge to overseeing the outcomes and efficacy of public policies as well as efforts towards the integration of this community.  This research aims to address these shortcomings by gathering and providing a broad, robust, and detailed data set from multiple sources through the implementation of a methodology characterized by methodological pluralism. Within this analytical framework, the present investigation shall employ a multifaceted methodology that encompasses both qualitative and quantitative techniques as well as participatory methodologies. In conjunction with two survey-based questionnaires designed to elicit data pertaining to strategic fields of inquiry such as health, employment, education, housing, vocational training, gender inequality, discrimination and anti-gypsyism - thereby yielding quantitative data - we will also leverage more nuanced qualitative information. This study will feature data gathered from sociological portraits obtained through in-depth interviews, ethnographies conducted across diverse socio-housing contexts, analysis of historical sources and participatory methods. Our approach to the development, execution, monitoring and dissemination of this research actively encourages the participation of individuals and groups with Roma heritage as key protagonists in shaping knowledge about their own community. The objective is to execute a comprehensive approach of collaborative knowledge co-creation, conducting research "with" the Roma/Ciganos rather than "about and for" them (Ryder, 2018). Throughout this endeavour, it is intended to engage with Roma organizations and informal groups, as well as other institutions that operate in close proximity with this community across different levels (local, regional and national). One of the primary aims is to generate recommendations for public policies that adeptly and proficiently tackle various levels and manifestations of inequality and (detrimental) prejudice. Nonetheless, there remains a paucity of research studies and historical data pertaining to the role, representation, contributions, and connections among Roma individuals within their respective host communities throughout history. Social analysis typically concentrates on individuals and families residing in conditions of heightened socio-economic vulnerability, while preconceived notions about the Roma often conceal the affluent and those belonging to a middle class, occasionally known as the unseen Roma (Ruegg and Boscoboinik 2009; Magano, 2014). The purpose of this study is to reveal and examine the multifaceted cultural, ethnic, social, economic, symbolic, and geographical diversity and heterogeneity among individuals and communities of Roma descent in Portugal. This research will employ an intersectional approach that intertwines various factors responsible for generating and perpetuating social disparities from a multidimensional and multilevel standpoint. There is still a big gap between those who design and implement policies and the Roma people who are the object of these policies, and the same is true of the processes of knowledge production, so in this research the theoretical methodological and epistemological strategy - research with Roma people - involves bridging the gap between academics, activists and policy-makers. To address this issue, our research strategy involves bridging the gap between academics, activists, and policymakers through conducting research with the Roma people - an epistemological and theoretical methodology. We will adopt a multi-scalar approach, encompassing micro, meso and macro levels of analysis that acknowledge the interconnectedness and interdependence of diverse social spheres. Furthermore, our research will be interdisciplinary in nature given the plurality of disciplinary areas involved, including sociology, anthropology, history, educational sciences, social psychology, among others. Our researchers' methodological approaches are characterised by their pluralism concerning quantitative methods, qualitative methods, mixed methods as well as participatory methodologies. This project encompasses a robust dissemination element, manifesting itself through workshops designed to disseminate and deliberate on research findings; policy and social briefs; an exhibition at the "Museu da Pessoa"; and a podcast focused on the history and culture of the Roma people. Consequently, this investigation is classified as being part of "public sociology" (Burawoy, 2021), seeking to utilize sociological knowledge and perspectives in addressing tangible social challenges within the public domain.

Final beneficiaries/target population: Roma communities and civil society organizations. 

Timeline: September 2024 to September 2026

Other external researchers: Francisco Mangas (CITCEM); Manuel Carlos Silva, Fernando Bessa, Sílvia Gomes (CICS-NOVA UM); Susana Coimbra, Elsa Teixeira, João Caramelo, Sofia Santos (FPCEUP); Agostina Nievas, Pedro Candeias, Maria Manuela Mendes (CIES-ISCTE).

Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto (proponente) - Instituto de Sociologia da Universidade do Porto
CITCEM - Centro de Investigação Transdisciplinar Cultura, Espaço e Memória
ISCTE - Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia
FPCEUP - Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Educativas
FPCEUP - Centro de Psicologia
CICS.NOVA Universidade do Minho - Centro de Investigação em Ciências Sociais
Instituições participantes (não parceiras): Programa Escolhas; Olho Vivo - Associação para a defesa do Património, Ambiente e Direitos Humanos; Ministério da Saúde - Administração Regional de Saúde do Norte;
Associação Social Recreativa Cultural "Os Viquingues”; Associação Unir Povos; Centro Comunitário Horta da Areia - Fundação Vítor Reis Morais
Entidade de Financiamento
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (2023.10572.CIG) - Concurso Estudo Nacional das Comunidades Ciganas - Protocolo de Cooperação entre a FCT o Conselho Económico e Social (CES) e o Alto Comissariado para as Migrações.
Global Amount:
198 224,05 €
IS-UP Amount:
92 295,30 €
Start Year


Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto
Via Panorâmica, s/n
4150-564 Porto, Portugal

Phone: +351 226 077 132






Ref. UIDP/00727/2020

Ref. UIDB/00727/2020
