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Abstract: To date, little is known about Romani artistic and musical practices, nor about the potential of using Romani art and music as a tool for (and in) social inclusion, either from a scientific or a socio-political point of view. This project is based on the mobilisation of music and dance as mechanisms for igniting community dynamics and promoting active citizenship, with a focus on Roma people. It is an innovative – experimental – approach of a local nature, but also linked to the city of Lisbon and to national dynamics - and linked to the recent and growing success of artists of Roma origin and/or with a repertoire close to Roma cultural roots (e.g. Nininho in Portugal and Rosalía on the international scene). The aim is to map, get to know and give visibility to the protagonists, the processes of creation, production and artistic-musical dissemination of the Roma, as well as the spaces of formal and informal creation and circulation, valuing these hybrid-invisible cultures of the public space and the artistic-musical arena. Based on these territories we will learn about voices, sounds and knowledge from a perspective of collaborative and participatory work, creating opportunities for local and community development, multicultural coexistence and economic sustainability. 

Music takes on multiple configurations and functions; in this particular case, it acts as a primordial and unifying language, often transmitted from generation to generation and in family and community contexts, while at the same time being a matter of cultural valorisation, preservation and dissemination. Art and music are interwoven with life, accompanying and intensifying the hypotheses of social transformation, breaking with preconceived notions and stigmas, whether from an artistic or socio-cultural perspective, capable of bringing about social change and opening up new possibilities.

Final beneficiaries/target population: Residents of BIP/ZIP neighbourhoods, direct beneficiaries of the activities; Organisations and the third sector in BIP/ZIP neighbourhoods; Residents of the municipality of Lisbon; Organisations and the third sector in the municipality of Lisbon; Residents of Greater Lisbon; Organisations and the third sector in Greater Lisbon.

Áreas científicas: sociology, architecture, cultural geography

Timetable: November 2024 - November 2025

Team: Paula Guerra (researcher responsible at FLUP), Maria Manuela Mendes, Sofia Sousa, Vitor Beanciano, Tiago Pereira.

Proposing institution: Instituição proponente LOCALS APPROACH
Partners: IS-UP - Universidade do Porto; Faculdade de Arquitetura - ULisboa; Junta de Freguesia de Carnide; União Romani Portuguesa; Associação A Música Portuguesa A Gostar Dela Própria – MPAGDP;
ASSOCIACAO ISCTE CONHECIMENTO E INOVACAO - CVTT; Universidade do Porto (Parceira) Faculdade de Arquitetura - ULisboa; INCIG Associação Intercultural Cigana
Entidade de Financiamento
Programa BIP/ZIP 2024 - Lisboa: Parcerias Locais - Dimensão: Ignição
Global Amount:


Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto
Via Panorâmica, s/n
4150-564 Porto, Portugal

Phone: +351 226 077 132






Ref. UIDP/00727/2020

Ref. UIDB/00727/2020
