EUREL rests on an important international network of specialists (Law and Social Sciences researchers and scholars) who provide and validate, regularly and based on scientific research, accurate and updated sociological and legal information on the social and legal status of religion in Europe in an interdisciplinary perspective.

IS-UP; University of Copenhagen; Church, Law, Society (Charles University, Prague); University of Cyprus; Evangelical Lutheran Church in Finland; Maynooth University (Ireland); Université du Luxembourg; Institute for Sociology of SAS (Slovakia); UNIL | University of Lausanne; University of Zagreb; University of Manchester; University of Montreal; Catholic University of Lublin; ISOR - Research in Sociology of Religion (University of Barcelona); Max Planck Institute (Germany); UCLouvain - Catholic University of Louvain; UCLouvain - Institut de recherche Religions, Spiritualités, Cultures, Sociétés (RSCS); University of Groningen.