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"Theatre Audience at Interval" by mikecogh is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

STRATEGY FOR THE CULTURE OF OEIRAS 2018-2027. Diagnosis, strategic lines of action, and action plan



Abstract: The purpose of this work is to define and reflect on strategies for the cultural sector in Oeiras, within the framework of a new Horizon 2020 planning cycle. The aim is to promote and contribute to a participatory process of reflection and strategic planning on the cultural sector of Oeiras, based on an analysis and diagnosis of the conditions of cultural offers and fruition, taking into consideration the current state of the Oeiras municipality and its development over the last decade in terms of social, economic, cultural and tourist development. This analysis also considers its min cultural, artistic, heritage and recreational resources/assets, its main dynamics, seeking, in a comprehensive and inclusive manner, to involve the different population segments to agree on the structuring lines of action for activities in the cultural field.

Scientific areas: Sociology

End beneficiaries/target population: Oeiras resident population and visitors; Population of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area and its visitors.

Timeline: June 2020-December 2021

Paula Guerra, researcher in charge at FLUP.

Team Members
Useful Links
DINÂMIA'CET–IUL, Centro de Estudos sobre a Mudança Socioeconómica e o Território (Coordenador)
Instituto de Sociologia da Universidade do Porto (Instituição parceira)
Entidade de Financiamento
Município de Oeiras (FLUP/PS-CPS/2020-75885)
Global Amount:
15000.00 €
Start Year


Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto
Via Panorâmica, s/n
4150-564 Porto, Portugal

Phone: +351 226 077 132






Ref. UIDP/00727/2020

Ref. UIDB/00727/2020
