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RUral Revival: A Life In The Inspirational Countryside

On going


Abstract: Over the past few decades, rural areas have experienced profound socio-demographic transformations, driven by their roles in ecological, digital, and bio-economic transitions. These transformations, further accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic, have led to significant diversification, rendering rural regions complex and unequal - similar in many ways to major cities. Thus, a key problem concerns our knowledge about - and perception of these places because the tools, concepts, and above all the public policies traditionally applied are no longer suited to address the increasing diversity of contemporary rural areas. Our consortium, RURALITIC, is academically armed and well-prepared to tackle these challenges. The first step involves rethinking 'the rural' and examining the intricate relationship between social groups and geographical spaces. This conceptual requalification of what rural areas are, and can be, will enable the production of new scientific concepts and tools, including new data, surveys, indicators, knowledge and typologies, enabling a new and synthesized view of the current dynamics and processes of change and aid in foresight for public authorities. Secondly these new concepts and typologies will then be deployed to analyze the drivers of attractiveness, existing public policies, and innovative initiatives within rural areas. By implementing pilot projects and creating an initiative library, we'll tailor recommendations to diverse social and rural contexts. Finally, RURALITIC aims to envision and produce various scenarios for Europe's rural future. The main outcome will be a reorientation of public policies, from general policies to policies tailored to different rural areas, while maintaining the main orientations of European policies, focusing on sustainable prosperity, resilience, connectivity, and infrastructure.

Timetable: January 2025 - December 2028

Team: Virgílio Borges Pereira (local coordinator)

External Coordinator

Gilles Laférté

General coordinator
Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (INRAE)
Proposing institution: Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (INRAE)
Partners: ARCTIK SRL (Bélgica), Chambre d’agriculture de France (CDA, França), Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EURACBV, Países Baixos), Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto (FLUP, Portugal), Innovation for Agriculture (IFA-UK, Reino Unido),
Institut national d’études démographiques (INED, França), Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IRWINPAN, Polónia), Roskilde University (RUC, Dinamarca), University of Delft (UDELFT, Países Baixos),
Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB, Espanha), Université Lumière Lyon 2 (Lyon 2, França), University for Continuing Education Krems (UWK, Áustria), University of Strathclyde (USTRAT, Reino Unido), Uppsala University (UU, Suécia)
Entidade de Financiamento
HE - Horizon Europe, EUROPEAN COMMISSION (Ref. 101181142)
Global Amount:
IS-UP Amount:
Start Year


Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto
Via Panorâmica, s/n
4150-564 Porto, Portugal

Phone: +351 226 077 132






Ref. UIDP/00727/2020

Ref. UIDB/00727/2020
