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Paredes de Coura Festival – Immaterial Cultural Heritage



Abstract: This work aims at developing a service provision project consisting of the survey and analysis of miscellaneous information about the Paredes de Coura Festival to make it eligible as Immaterial Cultural Heritage (IMH). As part of the pre-contractual award procedure by private treaty, launched by the Paredes de Coura City Council for the purpose, this work will include the definition of the programme guidelines and an action programme organised around the nomination of the Paredes de Coura Festival as IMH. As part of this, the aim is to promote and contribute to a co-created and participated process of reflection and strategic planning, based on a survey and an historical and sociocultural analysis of the Paredes de Coura Festival and its many effects in the territory, in particular in terms of cultural demand and enjoyment in the city, its main resources and assets, and its main dynamics, with a view to the comprehensive and inclusive engagement of agents to reach consensus on the outlines of cultural action by the municipality of Paredes de Coura having the festival as the focal point. The work will include a diagnostic component (combining detailed analysis of the existing wealth of information with seeking the advice of cultural agents) and the definition of strategic lines of action, with discussions involving the Paredes de Coura City Council and the main municipal, regional, national and international cultural agents.

Scientific area: Sociology, Heritage, History, Cultural Studies, Museography

End beneficiaries/target population: Population residing in the municipality of Paredes de Coura, Population residing in Alto Minho, Population residing in northern Portugal, National visitors, International visitors

Timeline: August 2020 - March 2023


Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto/ Instituto de Sociologia da Universidade do Porto (Proponente)
Ritmos, SA
Entidade de Financiamento
Paredes de Coura City Council (Ref.: SER10012; FLUP/PS-CPS/2020-77022)
Global Amount:
15000.00 €
IS-UP Amount:
Start Year
Ano de conclusão


Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto
Via Panorâmica, s/n
4150-564 Porto, Portugal

Phone: +351 226 077 132






Ref. UIDP/00727/2020

Ref. UIDB/00727/2020
