Abstract: The multiform universe of CI (creative industries), creativity and knowledge production are strategies areas of economic development. The multiform nature of the cultural and socio-economic universe of creativity implies at least two additional aspects. First, talking about this universe is far from being able to boiling it down to a homogeneous and tight self-contained entity. Secondly, the fact that it is porous to other fields implies that sociological research based on this assumption will be increasingly necessary. On the other hand, another aspect should be considered: science. As this field relies on creativity, although not in the same specific ways as art and CI, one notes that it has not been the target of continued studies on the internal relations of scientific work, especially on the absolute necessity of creative thinking for the development of scientific knowledge and scientific breakthroughs. Dealing with Sociology of Culture, and particularly those who have worked more closely with the problematics of creativity, with a raw material that is the symbolic-ideological universe, the more qualified we will be to address the most important capital of the past few decades: knowledge. Keeping in mind that this is not limited to the universe of symbolic productions, its mutual relation is therefore indisputable. In the framework of creative thinking and creativity as drivers of an increased qualification, and with the broadening of competences of the scientific human capital the production of knowledge cannot be dissociated from the contributions of creativity, far from it.
Scientific area: Sociology
End beneficiaries/target population: scientific community; general population
Timeline: 2019-2025