Project: The ‘Cáritas Children’, between Austria and Portugal (1947-1958) Scientific area: History and Sociology Proposing institutions: Câmara Municipal do Porto and Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto (FLUP) Participating institution: Institute of Sociology of the University of Porto (IS-UP) Other funding entities: Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto (FLUP) Timeline: 2015-2018 End beneficiaries/target population: Municipality of Porto: this project is considered to be of great interest to the city of Porto in that it provided a deeper insight into the recent history of the city and its people. Abstract: Research project in history, with a sociological dimension, addressing the issue of the reception and integration, mediated by Cáritas, of Austrian children during the Second World War. The study deals with a reality in the historical and political context of Salazar that still lacked much knowledge thereof. The research is particularly relevant due to the parallel that can be drawn, in current European societies, with the processes of reception of the new wave of refugees in Europe.