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Cycle of Webinars "Classes, Inequalities and Public Policies" | Regulation of Harassment

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, 13:00

The 5th session of the Webinar Cycle on "Classes, Inequalities and Public Policies" will be held on Thursday 22nd February at 1pm.  Policies: Emerging Debates", which this Thematic Section of the Portuguese Sociological Association has been organising in partnership with the Institute of  Sociology of the University of Porto and the Inequalities Observatory.

With a monthly frequency and 90-minute sessions divided between presentations by guests and discussion with other participants, this cycle of online debates, freely accessible and open to the sociological and scientific community in general, aims to provide a space for presenting new perspectives, objects and analyses, mobilising the contributions of ongoing or recently completed research and focusing on the Portuguese reality, with an openness to other social and territorial frameworks.

The fifth session of this cycle will once again take place via Zoom and will be dedicated to the theme of "Regulating Harassment". Ana Oliveira, sociologist, researcher at the Centre for Social Studies (CES) and PhD in Feminist Studies from the University of Coimbra, will lead the session. The initial communication is entitled "The invocation and regulation of harassment: notes on disciplinary (power)"; this will be followed by a period of debate with the Webinar participants.

The session can be accessed via the following link:

ID: 984 0232 2453
Password: 380033

João Queirós, Pedro Abrantes, Sara Franco da Silva



Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto
Via Panorâmica, s/n
4150-564 Porto, Portugal

Phone: +351 226 077 132






Ref. UIDP/00727/2020

Ref. UIDB/00727/2020
