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Digital Platforms and Urban Governance – A comparative study between Barcelona and Porto

Em Curso


Projeto de doutoramento: Digital Platforms and Urban Governance – A comparative study between Barcelona and Porto
Referência: 2024.03122.BD
Área científica: Sociologia
Orientação: Marc Pradel Miquel (UB), Victória Sánchez Belando (UB), Lígia Ferro (IS-UP)
Cronograma: novembro 2024-outubro 2027

Resumo: The research project, titled "Digital Platforms and Urban Governance – A comparative study between Barcelona and Porto" adopts a transdisciplinary approach, amalgamating insights from urban studies, sociology, and political economy. By synthesizing perspectives from diverse disciplines, the research seeks to comprehensively investigate the profound integration of digital platforms within urban landscapes and its socio-economic repercussions. The focal point of the research lies in examining the pervasive influence of digital platforms on urban dynamics, with particular emphasis on city branding, housing dynamics, and consumption patterns. Employing a multi-level governance approach, the study delves into the sociological dimensions of digital platforms in contemporary urban life, highlighting housing as a pivotal axis for understanding their role in shaping social relations, power dynamics, and consumption behaviors. Central to the research inquiry is the exploration of governmental regulations surrounding digital platforms and their implications for societal dimensions, notably in the social construction of the city.

Instituição proponente: Universitat de Barcelona - Facultad de Economia y Empresa
Instituição de acolhimento: Instituto de Sociologia da Universidade do Porto (IS-UP)
Entidade de Financiamento
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (2024.03122.BD)
Ano de início


Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto
Via Panorâmica, s/n
4150-564 Porto, Portugal

Telefone: +351 226 077 132




Ref.: UIDP/00727/2020

Ref.: UIDB/00727/2020
